Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Mysteries Of Early Civilizations - 1030 Words

Uncovering the mysteries of early civilizations is a task not many scientists have successfully and accurately attempted. Jared Diamond’s main focus of his Pulitzer Prize winning book/documentary Guns, Germs, and Steel is the claim that the 3 biggest mysteries of civilization depended mostly on accidental agriculture. This has been met with controversy because Diamond rarely includes other factors such as guns, steel, and actual Eurasian history. But is Guns, Germs, and Steel accurate and entertaining enough to live up to it’s hype? Diamond opens up the documentary by saying he spends a considerably long amount of time in New Guinea, learning the culture of the people and studying birds. He meets a man named Yali, who asks â€Å"why do white men have so much cargo? (ep. 1)† Diamond focuses most of his research on this statement. However, unlike Yali, he doesn’t blame a specific race saying â€Å"To me, any explanation based on race is absurd. I know too many really smart New Guineans to believe there’s anything genetically inferior about them. (ep. 1)† Instead of pointing an argument directly at a specific people group, Diamond focuses his findings more on geographical location. One of Diamond’s arguments pins the uprising of Eurasian civilization and power on agriculture and animals, rather than technology. Diamonds says that pure hunting of animals wasn’t enough to sustain a complete civilization. â€Å"But the fundamental problem with hunting is that it’s never been a productive wayShow MoreRelatedGreek Mythology And Its Impact On Modern Culture1055 Words   |  5 PagesGreece civilization has its origins from Greek Mythology and has had a significant impact on our history and mythology helped shed light to it’s culture, religion, and government of ancient Greece. 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