Monday, December 30, 2019

Abortion Should Not Be Legal - 920 Words

Every year 98 million people die, and about 42 million are children. These children did nothing wrong to deserve death. Chopped up into pieces or drowned in saline solution, they need our help. Why not help them? Women’s rights are something that the world has struggled with for ages and one thing that people are advocating around the world for is abortion. Abortion is either a procedure or pill that stops a fetus s heart. Abortion should not be legal because life beings at creation, abortions are a direct violation of the 14th amendment, and thousands of people would love to adopt a child: handicapped or otherwise. Abortion should not be legal because life begins at creation. What is creation? Some people say conception, but it actually is creation. When an egg and sperm comes together, they create a new person. That person starts to grow; it is a fetus. According to Merriam- Webster s Dictionary a fetus is, â€Å"A human being in the later stages of development before bein g born.† Read that again. It says a human being. So why do people disagree with the dictionary? The best reason is the argument of what has life or not. One has to have a heartbeat, have senses, have brainwaves, and have independent thinking. Does a fetus have all of those? These things develop over several weeks of the beginning. Women usually find out they are pregnant from the fourth week to the seventh week. Fetuses would have human-like features and movements when a woman find out they are pregnant.Show MoreRelatedAbortion Should Not Be Legal1647 Words   |  7 PagesOne of the most highly debated topics is abortion and whether or not it should be legal. People who oppose abortion, meaning they are pro-life claim that abortion should be completely illegal with no aspects of it whatsoever; it can be a murder for the people standing against it. The other side of the argument, meaning people who are pro-choice, defend it by believing it to be a right been given to the wome n. They also claim even if abortion was to be illegal, it would still be practiced. EveryRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal?1320 Words   |  6 PagesAbortion, as you all may know, is a really popular topic. There have long been many debates between the two groups, pro-life and pro-choice. People who are pro-life believe that part of the government’s job is to protect all forms of human life. Those who are pro-choice believe that every individual should have control over their own reproductive systems. Pro-life supporters strongly believe that even an undeveloped fetus has life; it is still growing and it needs to be protected. And this soundsRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal?1217 Words   |  5 PagesNovember 2015 Should Abortion be Legal Among all the issues that have been fought for or against in the United States, abortion may be one of the most popular issues that Americans are passionate about. Abortion is defined as the removal of the embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy. Thousands of abortions take place every single day, and yet public opinion remains at a standstill as to whether or not abortion is ethical. Everyone holds different opinions on abortion. The proponentsRead MoreAbortion Should Not Be Legal Essay1596 Words   |  7 Pages Abortions have been performed on women for thousands of years. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. Most often it is performed during the first 20 weeks of being pregnant. The controversy over whether or not abortion should be legal continues to divide Americans till this day. An important landmark case was the Roe v. Wade case, where the Court argued that the zone of privacy was broad enough to encompass a woman s decision whether or not to terminateRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal? Essay1089 Words   |  5 PagesWhen the word abortion is heard, it is always associated with many negative things such as murder and inhumanity. However not legalizing abortion creates a huge problem for women around the world. Having a child takes consideration, planning and preparation and if pregnancy happens without any of this, why bother to have it at all? The reasons why abortion should be legal is that it supports the fundamental human rights for women by giving them a choice, it reduces crime by reducing the number ofRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal?1135 Words   |  5 PagesKelsi Hodgkin Composition 1 Professor Chipps 19 October 2015 Should Abortion Be Legal A common debate in the world today involves abortion, the deliberate end of human pregnancy, and whether or not it should be legalized. â€Å"Every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day† (â€Å"Abortions Worldwide this Year†). On one side of the argument, people are not disturbed by this grotesque number, and on theRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal?963 Words   |  4 PagesLegal or Illegal? Which would you prefer? Not many are willing to discuss such a gut wrenching topic, but this needs to be addressed. It is a very controversial topic with having to do with women rights and activists. Since there are two sides to every argument, there is one side such as to make abortion legal and the opposing side to keep abortions illegal. In my opinion making abortion illegal can regulate the amount of women who do get pregnant. I believe that making abortions legal will let womenRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal?867 Words   |  4 PagesABORTION Abortion is a deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. There are series of legal, moral and ethical issues which may arise about abortion. Most arguments about abortion are often focused on political insinuations and the legal aspect of such actions. Some frequently asked questions’ regarding the issue is if the practice should be outlawed and regarded as murder or should women have the right to practice it. For example, prior toRead MoreShould Abortions Be Legal?939 Words   |  4 PagesShould abortions be legal? Abortions have been a big issue since the Roe v Wade case. There have been a lot of disagreements between the Pro-life supporters and the pro-choice supporters. Pro-life supporters feel like abortions deter murder, while pro-choice supporters believe that the women should be able to make their own decisions. I am a part of the pro-life supporters because I feel like abortions are wrong for several of reasons. Why should women get an abortion if there are other choices forRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal?1052 Words   |  5 PagesAbortion is a personal matter and is a very sacred and sensitive topic. The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy is what we know of as an abortion. Although abortion is considered to be immorally wrong to some people, it should be a fundamental right for women to control their own bodies. Abortions are one of the many things that everyone has an opinion on. It is one of the most controversial topics anyone will not agree upon. When abortion is discussed, people tend to assume one of two positions:

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Massachusetts Legislature Votes to Ban Same-Sex...

Massachusetts Legislature Votes to Ban Same-Sex Marriages but Approves of Civil Unions As supporters and opponents were anxiously awaiting for a decision on Mar. 29, the Massachusetts legislature voted 105-92 to ban gay marriage when it approved of amending the state constitution that would overturn the Supreme Judicial Court’s ruling that made same-sex marriages legal five months ago. However, the legislature also voted to legalize civil unions. The amendment was altered from when it was introduced this month, and now says that aside from permitting civil unions but banning gay marriage, it would clarify that gay couples who marry into civil unions would not receive any federal marriage rights and benefits. It cannot be changed†¦show more content†¦Opponents say, â€Å"†¦the unions are contrary to Jewish tradition and Torah law, and that any statement on officiation is unwise as the movement struggles for religious legitimacy in Israel,† (The Forward, December 24, 1999, p. 1). Rabbi Kroloff, the president of the Central Conference of American Rabbis believes that the resolution that approves of same-sex marriages in Jewish institutions in Orlando will pass. He also reported to The Forward that his organizations board last month voted 26 to 0 in favor of the resolution. Furthermore, the co-chairwoman of the Womens Rabbinic Network, Rabbi Shira Stern, said, â€Å"We urge everyone to be tolerant of other peoples choices,† (The Forward, December 24, 1999, p. 1). Some countries’ religious traditions are still very strict when it comes to sexual orientation. For example, in 2003, a Russian priest was dismissed from the church after marrying two gay men. Father Vladimir, a clergy member of the Russian Orthodox Church in the city of Nizhny Novgorod, east of Moscow, was expelled after he married Denis Gogolev and Misha Morozov. The couple had a traditional religious ceremony with exchanging vows, rings and wearing crowns. Gogolev and Morozov said that the ceremony should highlight how gays can and should live in Russia, and quite openly, (, September 5, 2003). Homosexuality between men was legalized in Russia in 1993. It was considered aShow MoreRelatedSame-Sex Marriage Essay1474 Words   |  6 PagesJust about everyone has an opinion on whether same-sex couples should be allowed to legally marry. The arguments range from personal beliefs to what marriage is said to be in the Bible. Why should a couple be forbidden from showing each other along with family and friends that they are fully committed to each other? What place is it for the government to say that said couple is not allowed to commit to the one who truly makes you happy? Why should these people who are willing to be together forRead MoreLegalize Gay Marriage Essay1495 Words   |  6 PagesSame-Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized Just about everyone has an opinion on legally allowing same-sex couples to marry. The arguments range from personal beliefs to what marriage is said to be in the Bible. Why should a couple be forbidden from showing each other along with family and friends that they are fully committed to each other? What place is it for the government to say that said couple is not allowed to commit to the one who truly makes you happy? Why should these people who are willingRead MorePolitical Issues of Same-Sex Marriage Essay3061 Words   |  13 PagesIssues of Same-Sex Marriage The political aspects of whether same-sex couples should be allowed to federal and government recognized marriages are a very complex issue. There are basically two sides to the political argument of whether same-sex couples should be allowed to marry. On one side are the liberals who feel that marriage is a civil right that should be denied based on the basis of a persons sexual orientation. On the other side you have conservatives who feel that marriage is an institutionRead MoreGAY RIGHTS MOVEMENT IN THE 60S3496 Words   |  14 Pagestimeline provides information about the gay rights movement in the United States from 1924 to the present: including the Stonewall riots; the contributions of Harvey Milk; the Dont Ask, Dont Tell policy; the first civil unions; the legalization of same-sex marriage in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York; and more. 1924 The Society for Human Rights in Chicago becomes the countrys earliest known gay rights organization. 1948 Alfred Kinsey publishes Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, revealingRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Law Case2813 Words   |  12 Pageshead: SAME-SEX MARRIAGE LAW 1. SAME-SEX MARRIAGE LAW 13. Comprehensive Exam Capstone LS 602 Sherron Chatman Kaplan University Same-Sex Marriage Law Introduction Same-Sex couples have had a long battle in obtaining the right to marry. Some battles fought ended in victory, others in defeat. In the end, same-sex couplesRead MoreShould Homosexuals Be Allowed to Marry?2119 Words   |  9 PagesAllowed to Marry? Marriage is a very sacred arrangement. It is a lifetime commitment said to be only between man and woman. These two people should love or be in love with each other. Over the years homosexuality has come to the forefront. The question of should homosexuals be allowed to marry each other has had the world in an uproar. Homosexuals, indeed should be able to marry each other with the same benefits as man and woman. I chose to write about gay marriage because it is very closeRead MoreGender Pay Gap14271 Words   |  58 Pagesand promotions — the biggest sex-discrimination lawsuit in U.S. history — may be heading for the Supreme Court. Some women s advocates argue that a controversial high-court ruling last year makes it more difficult to sue over wage discrimination.Go to topOverviewAn insult to my dignity is the way Lilly Ledbetter described it. 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Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagescollapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, the surge of globalization from the mid-1990s) and afterward (9/11, or the global recession of 2008) when one could quite plausibly argue that a new era had begun. A compelling case can be made for viewing the decades of the global scramble for colonies after 1870 as a predictable culmination of the long nineteenth century, which was ushered in by the industrial and political revolutions of the late 1700s. But at the same time, without seriousRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 Pagessustaining profitability today. Pacesetter companies are increasingly moving to manage and lead their organizations in these terms. For example, consider the continuously strong performance of longterm business powerhouses as diverse as General Electric, Union Pacific, and Wal-Mart. Moreover, the successful confluence of this kind of management with technology sends a similar message when one gets equally deeply into highly fluctuating markets and businesses ranging from Intel to Feigenbaum−Feigenbaum:

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Bacteria Growth and Glucose Percentages Free Essays

Bacteria’s Growth Affected by Various Glucose Percentages This lab tested whether or not different glucose levels activated bacteria growth. My lab group and I wanted to figure out, if more glucose was spread on the bacteria plates, would there be more bacteria growth in the agar plate. My group predicted that with 25% glucose (the highest percentage of glucose), the bacteria growth would be the greatest. We will write a custom essay sample on Bacteria Growth and Glucose Percentages or any similar topic only for you Order Now In order to conduct this experiment, my group had 3 ager plates. One plate had 0% glucose, the next plate had 5% glucose and the third plate had 25% glucose in it. Once we received all the plates, we light an alcohol burner. We then used a pipet to sterile collect bacteria from the culture tubes. We then opened the first ager plate (0% glucose) and transferred 10 drops of bacteria culture onto the plate. Then we did the same for the next 2 plates (5% and 25% glucose). Next, we sterilized the spreader by waving it in the flame (alcohol burner) for 15 seconds. Then, we let the spreader cool for 10 seconds, and then opened the first agar plate and spread the bacteria around the plate by quickly and slightly sliding the spreader back and forth across the plate for 5 seconds. Then we closed the plate and did the same thing for the next 2 plates. Next, we sealed each plate with a strip of Para film and then placed the plates with bacteria on the side of the room until the following week. After waiting a week, we received our group’s ager plates back. We noticed that with our experiment, the most amount of bacteria growth had no glucose in it. Our results were the following: with no glucose, there was 25% bacteria growth, with 5% glucose added to the ager plates, there was only 15% bacteria growth, and with 25% glucose added to the ager plates, only 1% of bacteria growth was present. The least amount of bacteria growth contained the largest percentage of glucose. Based off of our group’s results, we can reject our hypothesis. We realized that our prediction was not what our results showed us. Our prediction was that 25% glucose would have the most amount of bacteria growth, however we can now conclude that bacteria growth does not need any glucose to reproduce. In fact, the more glucose there is, the least amount of bacteria growth occurs. If glucose is present in the bacteria, it is possible for bacteria to reproduce; however bacteria will reproduce the greatest when no glucose is present at all. How to cite Bacteria Growth and Glucose Percentages, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Relationship Between Mother and Daughter free essay sample

â€Å"A mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning unnecessary.† (Dorothy Fisher). The thought of not a mother around all the time is unbearable. My mother is kind, caring, strong, and independent and I would be thrilled to grow up to be everything she is. If I had to choose the most influential person out of all the amazing people I have gotten to know, I would pick my mother with no doubt. For reasons like my family she has kept strong through everything all the way to loving me no matter what, my mother had demonstrated that she is a real woman and I would be more than happy to be just like her later on in my life. Every day, I see her small things she does to either cheer me up, or make me feel loved. My mother works hard to keep us all on our feet. We will write a custom essay sample on Relationship Between Mother and Daughter or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is difficult for any mother, and she handles it very well. Another thing that my mom handles well would be that my dad has to commute to New York every week and he doesnt return until Friday. I can see the toll that this takes on my mother, but she chooses to hind her hurt to make sure that we are okay. Missing my father is something that I have lived with since I could remember. My mother will make me feel better about my dad being gone for long periods of time. She drops all her problems to tend to mine, which is why she is such an amazing person. This situation demonstrates how strong my mother really is. I can either look toward her for support or to remind me that my obstacles can be solved by myself to make me a stronger individual in the long run. This quality can be very important to be the person who I look forward to being. An independent person, just like my mother is. She depends on herself to make it through life and nobody else. We never know what could happen and it is safe to know how to support yourself. Many people influence me throughout my life so far, and it is important to learn from each person. But my strong, smart, independent, and caring mother is the person who makes the most difference in my life. The impact that she has on me is indescribable because every day she teaches me something new that is important. This question is not brought up to students much anymore and I believe that we should talk more about the figures in someone’s life. Even though my mother might not notice but I watch her every move to see her expressions on things and actions on other things. Certain things that she might do with catch my eye and I will notice it even more later on. In todays’ society every person needs a figure to look up to, for them to be guided throughout our everyday lives. And that is why I decided to choose my mother for the person who I think is the most influential to me.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Methaqualone Essays - GABAA Receptor Positive Allosteric Modulators

Methaqualone Methaqualone is a drug that has hypnotic and sedative properties. Although Methaqualone is not considered a barbiturate, using the drug can produce similar results. Common street names for Methaqualone are Quaalude, Lude, Quay, Quad, Mandrex and Sopors. Methaqualone can be injected, and also taken orally. Methaqualone commonly is manufactured in tablets or capsules. The drug can also be found in brown, gray or black tacky powder. An average dose of Methaqualone is about 3 grams. This depends on the person's body height, weight, the use of any other drug, such as alcohol, and the tolerance built to Methaqualone. Within 4-8 hours of taking Methaqualone, the user may experience slurred speech, disorientation, lack of coordination, and increased reflex time. Methaqualone is also commonly used because it causes drunken behavior without the odor of alcohol. The drug also relieves tension, mental stress and anxiety. The possible long-term effects of Methaqualone are psychological and physical dependence, cardiac and respiratory depression, and the reduction of mental activity. The withdrawal symptoms of Methaqualone are anxiety, insomnia, tremors, convulsions, and possible death. The effects of Methaqualone when overdosed are unpredictable, which makes the drug even more dangerous. Overdose by Methaqualone is also more difficult to treat than most barbiturate overdoses. These effects range from cold and clammy skin to a possible death. People that lived through a Methaqualone overdose have also experienced shallow breathing, dilated pupils, and coma. When introduced in 1965, Methaqualone was legally used as a sedative-hypnotic. Doctors prescribed Methaqualone to patients who needed the relief of side effects that were associated with over-stimulation or the withdrawal of other drugs. By 1972, the abuse of Methaqualone was prevalent among both teenagers and adults. "Luding out", or orally ingesting Methaqualone with liquor became popular with teenagers. This made the abuse of Methaqualone twice as hazardous because it increased the effect, as well as the danger. Adults used Methaqualone to reduce anxiety, and as a sleeping aid. Because Methaqualone was widely abused, in 1984 the drug was made illegal in many countries, including the United States. Although most of the effects of the drug are known, Methaqualone is still one of the most widely abused drugs. The most common dangers from abusing Methaqualone are due to car accidents. Because Methaqualone causes faulty judgement and drowsiness, it is very easy to injure or even kill yourself or others in a car accident. Bibliography 1. Kunz, Jeffery and Finkel, Asher. The American Medical Association Family Medical Guide. New York: Random House, 1987. 2. Ziemer, Maryann. Quaaludes. San Diego: Enslow Publishers, Inc., January 1997. 3. [emailprotected] Copyright Publishers Group, 1996. 4. Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse. Methaqualone Essays - GABAA Receptor Positive Allosteric Modulators Methaqualone Methaqualone is a drug that has hypnotic and sedative properties. Although Methaqualone is not considered a barbiturate, using the drug can produce similar results. Common street names for Methaqualone are Quaalude, Lude, Quay, Quad, Mandrex and Sopors. Methaqualone can be injected, and also taken orally. Methaqualone commonly is manufactured in tablets or capsules. The drug can also be found in brown, gray or black tacky powder. An average dose of Methaqualone is about 3 grams. This depends on the person's body height, weight, the use of any other drug, such as alcohol, and the tolerance built to Methaqualone. Within 4-8 hours of taking Methaqualone, the user may experience slurred speech, disorientation, lack of coordination, and increased reflex time. Methaqualone is also commonly used because it causes drunken behavior without the odor of alcohol. The drug also relieves tension, mental stress and anxiety. The possible long-term effects of Methaqualone are psychological and physical dependence, cardiac and respiratory depression, and the reduction of mental activity. The withdrawal symptoms of Methaqualone are anxiety, insomnia, tremors, convulsions, and possible death. The effects of Methaqualone when overdosed are unpredictable, which makes the drug even more dangerous. Overdose by Methaqualone is also more difficult to treat than most barbiturate overdoses. These effects range from cold and clammy skin to a possible death. People that lived through a Methaqualone overdose have also experienced shallow breathing, dilated pupils, and coma. When introduced in 1965, Methaqualone was legally used as a sedative-hypnotic. Doctors prescribed Methaqualone to patients who needed the relief of side effects that were associated with over-stimulation or the withdrawal of other drugs. By 1972, the abuse of Methaqualone was prevalent among both teenagers and adults. "Luding out", or orally ingesting Methaqualone with liquor became popular with teenagers. This made the abuse of Methaqualone twice as hazardous because it increased the effect, as well as the danger. Adults used Methaqualone to reduce anxiety, and as a sleeping aid. Because Methaqualone was widely abused, in 1984 the drug was made illegal in many countries, including the United States. Although most of the effects of the drug are known, Methaqualone is still one of the most widely abused drugs. The most common dangers from abusing Methaqualone are due to car accidents. Because Methaqualone causes faulty judgement and drowsiness, it is very easy to injure or even kill yourself or others in a car accident. Bibliography 1. Kunz, Jeffery and Finkel, Asher. The American Medical Association Family Medical Guide. New York: Random House, 1987. 2. Ziemer, Maryann. Quaaludes. San Diego: Enslow Publishers, Inc., January 1997. 3. [emailprotected] Copyright Publishers Group, 1996. 4. Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Chemistry of Fireworks - Smart Custom Writing Samples

Chemistry of Fireworks - Smart Custom Writing Irony and Satire in Jane Austen novelsIrony, satire, and parody are the soul of Jane Austen’s novels because of the humorous aspects of life she presents in her novels. The aspects are visible to good sense in their contemplation of erroneous judgments. Both novels present the reader with a several characters that play different roles in bringing out the aspects of humor and wit in the two novels. It can also be noted that the stories unfold from different angles as the author brings out several vices that are either morally or ethically unaccepted.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Irony is the hall mark of her style because this irony is not merely a particular way of saying or creating things (Bhattacharyya 80). Irony in this tale is rather the expression of the infinite within a man who has at once a delicate, sensitive, and subtle perception of the contrasts and contradictions with which human life is filled. On the other hand both novels make use of one common device throughout that is satire. Satire is a literary attitude used to make pleasurable aspects of character vices or weakness. This is done with the purpose of modifying the subject being attacked. Besides this satire utilized in the story confirms how excitement is poked at things that are collectively unacceptable and downplayed, creating an ironic sense of wit. Quintero says that pride and prejudice demonstrated satire when women in her tale were supposedly animated by sentiment (290). According to Quintero the definition of satire as a genre meant to expose vices for the purposes of correction lingers on in this novel (290). In addition Bhattacharyya says that pride and prejudice tale is not laughter provoking but they have a rippling sense of pleasure behind them (80). In this novel satire connotes moral purpose but the author never lashes human follies. Colebrook says that while irony in the pride and prejudice and zombies consequently delimits human life by positing an elevated concept that is not realized, satire examines life and its inherent propensities (108). In this tale Jane Austen (1775-1817) parody is depicted in the way several characters take their local sentiments for universal truths. Colebrook says that â€Å"the author displays the blindness of the characters who believe themselves to be in simple possession of either a moral law or a social code† (108).   While satire brings out individual characters against the morals of parody in this novel is portrayed by the vanities and tendencies of human nature and they also present characters that arrive at fulfillment only through knowing and reflecting upon social nature of man (Colebrook 108). On the other hand Austen shows satire through the art of fiction and recognition through examining the follies of others with a full perception of our own weakness. In this story satire unlike parody assumes the common ground of man and therefore works against the traditional aim of irony and elevated or urbane point of view above and beyond natural life (Colebrook 108). Moreover, Bhattacharyya also indicated that in the story pride and prejudice, irony is a mode of speech in which the implied attitudes or evaluations are opposed to those literally expressed (81). The tale is in many occasions irony is a contrast between reality and illusion. For example Bhattacharyya says that the first sentence of the novel is tinged with irony as the sentence runs â€Å"it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife† (81). This is not a truth that is universal to every man because the contrast appears to be true in most cases. On the other hand, satire is also demonstrated in the novel since the author does not reveal enough about what Darcy is supposed to be thinking. Walder says that â€Å"in Elizabeth’s crucial conservations with Jane, the antithetical technique, contrasting Elizabeth’s satire with Jane’s candor (231). Satire is depicted in the novel because as a whole intelligence is represented as faulty in the novel. The readers admire Elizabeth’s wit and sharing her lively and satire vision. Walder further says that reformation is not complete until near the end of the novel and everyone notices that the second, less satire and extrovert half of pride and prejudice is less enjoyable than the first.   Bhattacharyya says that â€Å"irony is being used as an instrument of revealing the difference between appearance and reality is always a source of inspiration and amusement† (81). This is depicted when Darcy remarks about Elizabeth that â€Å"she is not handsome enough to tempt me† and soon after gets captivated by a â€Å"pair of fine eyes† of Elizabeth† (Bhattacharyya 81). In addition irony of character is even more prominent in the novel than irony of situation. For example â€Å"Elizabeth prides herself on her perception and disdains Jane’s blindness to the realities is herself quite blinded by her own prejudices† (Bhattacharyya 82) The novel pride and prejudice and zombies it is a complete parody but then it comes out in a complicated form. Austen has mirrored the original work effectively enough so that the flow is fresh and funny.   In addition, Ross says that the novel explores the purpose of parody that ranges from a playful imitation to harsh satire (49). Compared to irony, the author also portrays successful parodies in which the element of celebration is clearly shown. For example in the novel Pride and Prejudice and zombies parody is depicted when Darcy says â€Å"which do you mean? And turning round he looked for a moment at Elizabeth till catching her eye, he withdrew his own and coldly said â€Å"she is tolerable but not handsome enough to tempt me; I am in no humor at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men† (Austen 13). In this case the style in which parody is been shown is pretentious one because it is deflated by mockery hence its function is challenged so as to renovate and renew it (Ross 49). Like satire, irony in pride and prejudice is clearly depicted when a rich and influential man falls in love with a relatively poor and powerless young woman. It appears as a surprise to Elizabeth that Darcy finds himself in love with her while the author Austen makes it clear how wonderful it is that such a man should fall in love at all (Polhemus 29). In the beginning of the story there is more irony because the match was not very compelling because the reason why he fell in love with Elizabeth and marry her but at the end the match between the two looks perfectly reasonable. Pride and prejudice shows how from historical perspective the association between the sexes where men could seem princes and women scullery maids. The ironic part of the story is depicted on the basis that though Elizabeth comes to love him by the end it is not at all clear that   she ever falls in love with him because in their romance man falls in love with woman and that fall into love is the fortunate fall of Austen’s erotic faith (Polhemus 29). The story further shows the readers that the world is often a sordid, dull, menacing, and disappointing place without love. The irony is that the power of love in pride and prejudice works to generate faith, hope, and charity. Parody on the other hand is depicted when the story explores that Darcy’s love for Elizabeth curbs his arrogance and makes him a kinder and better man (Polhemus 29).  Ã‚  Ã‚   Among the utmost and most exhibited satires in the story is illustrated through the most humorous man Mr. Collins. Mr. Collins character is rather hilarious in the entire text because of his apparent foolishness and his lack of understanding to his vices. Mr. Collins persistently acquaints himself with people of the superior class than his, for example Lady Catherine and Mr. Darcy who are regarded as high status people. He relates so much with these two people by the means of continued trips to the Rosins estate and Balls. Mr. Collins began to relate himself with Lady Catherine and Mr. Darcy, making himself comes out as higher class individual than he really is. With this phony sense of being Mr. Collins indisputably makes a fool out of himself giving the readers a clear picture of satire (MRU database). Like irony, satire is employed in the entire novel Pride and Prejudice. This is because Austen starts to put across her own dissatisfactions of her own personalities and also reveals her own dilemma with the way in which society was footed upon class during her era. This application of satire becomes supplementary than just a mechanism that conveys humor to the readers. It is also a device that shows the communal issues that were there in Victorian England in Austen’s time making it an essential element to the story. Satire is employed in Pride and Prejudice by the author to show the shortcomings in moralities and ethics of the subjects that Austen criticizes of. Satire is thus used hit at the characters in order to bring new changes. The type of characters she ridicules is ignorant in the author’s context. For example Jane Austen condemns Mr. Collins causing her to bother and satirizes him. Because of staying with Lady Catherine, Mr. Collins has demoralized himself.   This is because he imagines and speaks highly of individual’s superior than himself, such as, Lady Catherine DeBourgh. This is demonstrated when he was invited by Lady Catherine Mr. Collins tells Elizabeth who he was proposing to "Do not make yourself uneasy, my dear cousin, about / your apparel. Lady Catherine is far from requiring that elegance of dress in us which becomes herself and / daughter. I would advise you merely to put on whatever / of your clothes is superior to the rest / ...she likes to have the disti nction of rank preserved" (Austen 137). Austen in both novels illustrates that satire is the lesson while parody is the game. Ross says that parody can never have the force of satire because it seeks to undermine established attitudes in the author’s work (49). Darcy for example shows the original form of parody of the existing social order but it can be seen as an authorized transgression of norms. For example Elizabeth in both novels was displayed as the anti-heroine of romance a parody that accounts for the tough personality of the conqueror and her challenging of modesty by conversation and action (Austen 13). The characters and incidents in the novel pride and prejudice are used to give the audience a taste and critical sense of parody because every incident unfolds in a manner in which it advances the progress of the story (Austen 13). This can be elaborated when â€Å"Darcy walked off, Elizabeth felt her blood turn cold because she had never in her life been so insulted hence the warrior code demanded she av enge her honor† (Austen 13). Bhattacharyya says that it interesting to note how the author deals with parody, satire, and irony in both novels. Bhattacharyya says that â€Å"the readers can notice that the Elizabeth-Darcy story is told with surface romanticism and it contains most of the verbal irony of the novel† (89). On the other hand it is important to note that â€Å"the Wickham-Lydia and Charlotte-Collins episodes are treated romantically with a solid foundation in social realism and with rather sordid and happy implications which in them the functions of parody comes out clearly† (Bhattacharyya 89).   Another example of parody is through Darcy’s realization of his mistake that gradually leads to reconciliation between Jane and Bingley. Besides this we notice that Lydia’s sudden elopement with Wickham leads to the marriage between Elizabeth and Darcy and also Charlotte’s sudden acceptance of Collins’s proposal leads to theirs (Bhattacharyya 89). Parody is demonstrated in the above series of events because one incident leads to the occurrence of another event (marriage) between the characters in the novels. In this context irony is evident. This is because the story becomes uncharacteristically clumsy from this point. This is because irony is illustrated when the reader realizes that the proud man is writing meekly to the girl who has rejected him unconditionally. Bhattacharyya says that satire is demonstrated through the novelistic technique of seduction as a suitable climax which Austen shows a standard chase by an outraged father, a friendly uncle and a now impeccable hero who makes devoted efforts to wed the scheming profligate Wickham to the innocent victim Lydia (90).   In contrast to parody, satire is demonstrated by Austen in pride and prejudice and zombie when Charlotte says â€Å"I wish Jane success with all my heart and if she were married to him tomorrow I should think she had as good chance of happiness as if she were to be studying his character for a twelve month. He further comes out clearly and says that happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance and it is better to know as little as possible of the defects of the person with whom you are to pass your life† (20). Satire in this passage is evident because it appears like he is offering a lesson to Jane of what to do and learn when she enters into marriage. In pride and prejudice as well as pride and prejudice and zombies, Jane Austen has given a multitude of characters that bring out the picture of irony, satire, and parody. This is because according to Bhattacharyya the characters are perfectly discriminated from one another as if they are the most eccentric of human beings (94). There is also a sense of pervasive irony in the characters of Jane Austen’s novel. Bhattacharyya says that â€Å"the irony is betrayed in her portraiture of the characters of Elizabeth, Darcy, Collins, Wickham and others† (95). Irony is the soul of the author’s comic view of life because she recognizes the antithesis in human experience that is the contrast between reality and appearance (Bhattacharyya 95). Satire is illustrated through Collins character who besides being a humorous character. Bhattacharyya says that had it not been for Collins, Elizabeth and Darcy could not have come together as they do in the end (97). This is because it was Collins who first gave the information of engagement of Darcy and Elizabeth. Parody on the other hand is demonstrated through Mrs. Bennet who is seen as a woman of mean understanding because though she has been married for twenty years she is shown as unable to judge her husband (Bhattacharyya 97). Her remarks adds parody to the novel and at the same time she does not see the stupidity of Collins but tries to force her daughter to marry him though without success. In conclusion, the functions of satire, parody and irony in the two novels is evident. These three aspects in the two novels help us to gain a good understanding of the characters. They bring humor to the novels thus the comic characters used by the author are significant in different angles of the novels. They act as a guide and to an extent they portrayed in such a manner as to make satire, parody, and irony in their portraiture not too blatant. Satire, parody, and irony do not just give the picture but lets the reader make his or her own judgment. Works cited Bhattacharyya, Jibhesh. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. New Delhi, India: Atlantic Publishers Distributors 2005. Grahame-Smith, Seth and Austen, Jane. Pride and prejudice and zombies: the classic Regency Romance. San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books 2009. Polhemus, Robert M.   Erotic Faith: Being in Love from Jane Austen to D. H. Lawrence. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press 1995. Quintero, Ruben. A companion to satire. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell 2007. Ross, Alison. The language of humour. New York, NY: Routledge 1998. Walder, Dennis. The realist novel. New York, NY: Routledge 1995.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Give an example of a law that you think attempts to reflect an ethical Essay

Give an example of a law that you think attempts to reflect an ethical value - Essay Example Typically, it reflects an ethical value because it protects employees against unethical behavior in the working environment especially in situations where a disability will not hinder the performance of a job and hence, is appropriate. It will compel managers to consider not only legal aspects but also what they, the society and employees consider to be ethical. On the other hand, the Fair Minimum Wage Act (2007) emphasizes on legalities but does not reflect ethical values. For example, it has not compelled Nike to stop paying substandard wages to its foreign workers and improve their working conditions. This law is inappropriate because it assumes that so long as Nike meets the minimum wage, it is not illegal to pay law wages and in appalling working conditions. It does not consider the fact that the employer needs to provide safe and conducive working environments apart from meeting a stipulated minimum wage (Lopez,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Sustainability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sustainability - Essay Example The condition of the planet as well as its ecosystems is wholly depended upon the present as well as the past human activity. This is determined by the interplay of three factors namely the economic, political and social (Hak & Et.Al, â€Å"Sustainability Indicators: A Scientific Assessment†). There seems to be substantial debate over the term ‘sustainability’. Some defines it as a contested and complex concept, however for others; it can be defined as the capacity of something that can be continued for a long period of time. Issues Important for Urban Land Use Economic Sustainability The point worth noticing is that none of the economic systems can be sustainable until and unless it ‘accommodates’ the ecosystem in which it depends. The current system that is based on the notion of continuous economic expansion on planet seems to be damaged. Therefore, there is requirement of applying human creativity to the goals which is to use the natural resources in a productive and efficient manner in order to meet their needs. This goal can be considered as being completely dissimilar from ‘exploiting natures’ and the Third World people. ... The most important consideration in regards to the ecological sustainability is that it needs to be pursued for the human as well as for the species which are around 10-12 million on the planet (Sutton, â€Å"Ecological Sustainability†). To make the concept simpler, the term ecological sustainability can be interpreted as any activity that takes place on earth has to generally continue forever. Ecological sustainability can only be achieved if the activity does not destroy any resources through which the activity actually takes place. There isn’t requirement of inventing the sustainable environment from scratch since it can be modeled by the human in order to simulate natural eco-system. It can be revealed that there are key principles which need to be adhered to for achieving the ecological sustainability. The most important point to keep in mind is that there is requirement of changing the habit of using the resources as if they are infinite by the society. Moreover, greenhouse gas emission needs to be minimized to a greater extent and also there is requirement for some kind of new and improved economic ways that would be based upon the clean, glass technology (Carrie & Danielle, â€Å"General†). Social Sustainability The term social sustainability has a wider implication upon the lives and health of the people of the society. It tends to deal with the complex issues, for instance health, equity, social inclusion and livability. If the community is to be sustainable and function properly then in that case the basic needs of its resident have to be met. A good sustainable community is the one that has the ability to maintain and build on its own resources. On the other hand, it

Monday, November 18, 2019

Primary education- reflective practioner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Primary education- reflective practioner - Essay Example Action research, otherwise known as participatory research, collective inquiry, emancipatory research, action learning, contextual action research, depending on the theme (O’Brien, 1998), is an â€Å"inquiry or research in the context of focused efforts to improve the quality of an organization and its performance† (North Central Regional Educational Laboratory, n.d.). Unlike ordinary research, the members of the said institution who design and conduct action research are also part of the study themselves. They find ways to develop how things are done in their fields. The process of action research which consists of four steps which are planning, acting, observing and reflecting, as presented by Stephen Kemmis (cited in O’Brein, 1998), makes it very useful in developing methods and materials in schools as it presents new ideas and options to teachers. It allows them to evaluate outcomes of their teaching strategies and lay these down to fellow mentors to lessen drawbacks among their students. Through this, further possible needed changes and amendments in the institution’s educational programs and syllabus can be carried out. In problems previously and presently experienced in the â€Å"real world,† disputes between the â€Å"insider-outsider researchers† continue. Academicians debate about the pros and cons of one over the other and vice-versa. Issues regarding sensitivity to the problem, presumptions and assumptions, and objectivity are pointed out by the opposing bodies. Researches conducted by â€Å"outsiders,† or those not actually a part of the studied group, are said to merely â€Å"add to the knowledge in the field and to publish in peer-reviewed scholarly journals† instead of giving precise aid to the group being assessed (Collet, 2008). To add to the complications pointed out about â€Å"insider-outsider researchers,† Bridges (2001 cited in Collet, 2008) perceives that even if the individual is dubbed to be an â€Å"insider,† by being a researcher, he

Friday, November 15, 2019

Live Motion Capture

Live Motion Capture The method that records a live motion event, which then is being translated into usable mathematical conditions by tracking a number of key points that are being combined in space over time to get a single three-dimensional representation performance is called Motion Capture. To simplify the meaning of this technology, it enables the use of real performance to a digital one. Everything that exist in our world and has actual motion could be then captured; each moving part of that subject has its key points that provide the motion. When that technology is being used on a human as an instance, key points are the actual joints and they work as pivot points and connections for the bones. Usually when that is being done, all of the sensors, potentiometers or markers identify the points and that transmits the data to the main device. The performance that is being used to get a character to life is called performance animation, and motion capture is related to the actual technology that coll ects the motion. To conduct that, motion capture needs to be done and then that is being transmitted to the 3D character. That being said, mocap obtains all of the information that represents motion, while the performance animation on the other hand, is the final deliverable of a character created by the performer. Menache, A. (2011). Understanding motion capture for computer animation. Burlington, MA, Morgan Kaufmann. Motion Capture is known as Motion tracking and in most cases as `Mocap`, in any case it is actually 3D Animation. The process in which recordings of human movement are translated into digital form by recording every pivot point on the actor/actresses body. After this footage is filmed it is then translated onto a 3D model. Since the 1970`s that technology has improved drastically and Performance Capture is a term referred to when Motion Capture animates small human features such as fingers, expressions and facial features. That process is actually very time consuming. For instance, the performance capture in 2009 20th Century Fox award winning film â€Å"Avatar†, took over 15 years to create and the reason for that is that the amount of sensors that were used to portray these expressions was immense. The concept of animation dates back to more than a thousand years ago when Chinese zoetrope-type device was built to produce the illusion of motion from a burst succession of stat ic images. To present, everyone is familiarized with the different types of animation, from traditional hand-drawn image frames, to the Claymation or technology of Stop Motion. Until the arrival of the Computer Graphics that has not shifted for all that time. The most known categories of character animation to date are three. The first category consists of algorithmic and model-driven approaches. An example is the dynamic physics-based model, like reverse pendulum. The second category is the digital key-framing and hand driven, a workflow alike the original animation creation but with the assist of 3D creation tools. Motion Capture is the last category, it was first developed in the late 1970`s but it hasn`t been recognized as a revolutionary animation technique until the mid 1980`s when it was used for entertainment purposes. Inspired by â€Å"Rotoscoping†, an old time consuming animation technique that was being used in the early 1900`s, in which the animation would track m ovement frame to frame. In the field of entertainment Motion Capture is considered as the descendant of that same technique, which is still being used by some traditional animation studios to duplicate realistic motion from movie footage over to a cartoon characters. For centuries some of the motion capture technologies have been used in different ways, most known for its medical and military purposes. Originally it was examined by the Military to track head rotations of pilots by electromagnetic motion capture. Capturing motion could be done in few different ways. A lot of them use camera systems that produce digitized views of the performance, which afterwards is used to combine the location of the key points represented by one or more markers. Other way of capturing motion is being made by using electromagnetic fields or ultrasound to track a group of sensors. Also available is the mechanical system, which is based on the linked structures or the armatures that use potentiometers to identify the rotation of every link. Menache, A. (2011). Understanding motion capture for computer animation. Burlington, MA, Morgan Kaufmann Motion Capture input systems Prosthetic That is probably one of the first methods that have been used for capturing motion from various parts of the human anatomy. These methods include simple switching type of motion detection systems as well as complex tracking systems. If it wasn`t for the complex mechanical needs and the performance inhibiting qualities which are generally associated with such designs the latter type of prosthetic motion capture could be an ideal approach. Nonetheless, this method uses armatures which have to be attached all over the performers body. Afterwards they are being connected to each other by using a series of rotational and linear encoders. Once that process is complete all the encoders are connected to an interface that simultaneously reads all the encoders and prevents data loss. In the end through a set o f trigonometry functions the actual performer`s motion is being analyzed. ( Acoustic This is a complex method that involves the use of audio receivers. Large amount of audio transmitters are strapped to performers body. Each receiver calculates the time that it takes for the sound to travel from each transmitter. In the 3D space the distance of the receivers is being measured to provide a point in the dimension. Normally the optical systems are occupied by occlusion problems which in that case is none existent and is considered as and advantage. ( Magnetic This is one of the most used methods for performance capture. In that case it is used a centrally located transmitter, as well as large amount of receiver that are strapped on to various parts of the performers body. Once that is complete the receivers measure their spatial relationship to the transmitter. Every receiver is linked to an interface that can sync to prevent data skew. Each receiver then obtains the data stream which consists of 3D positions and orientations for each other. That data is usually applied to an inverse kinematics systems to an animated skeleton. The magnetic method shares the same advantage as the audio method, it lacks occlusion problems. ( Electromagnetic Motion Capture is one of the more technical type of Motion Capture relying on transmitters and receivers to track movement. Optical Optical Motion Capture is another type of motion capture, it requires the actor or actresses to wear reflective sensors over a tight â€Å"Mocap Suit†. They would then proceed with their act an at that time several cameras will be tracking th e reflective pads. Recently, that type of motion capture has become quite popular. The advantage of that method is that it doesn`t require any sort of cables and the actor can perform freely. That system requires over three cameras, each of which is equipped with its own light so that it can illuminate the field of view for the specific camera. A frame buffer is being used that is connected and synchronized with each camera. The computer receives view from each camera in order to measure a 3D position of each marker. (

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Canadian Identity :: essays research papers fc

Throughout Canada’s relatively short existence we have created quite a reputation for ourselves. Our great nation is known for many things , and I am proud to say that most are positive. Does Canada have a strong national identity? Anyone can see the answer is yes. Just take a look at the facts. For example, we are renowned for our peacekeepers and no other country is considered more peaceful. Without a doubt this is the type of identity we should work to keep. The first thing we should examine is what exactly is meant by â€Å"strong national identity†. A very good example of strong national identity is the U.S.. I doubt there is a man on this planet who is not familiar with the U.S.. People immediately recognize their flag, and most people can tell you quite a bit about them. The same is true of Canada, and what do they know of Canada? In 1995 U.S. President Bill Clinton stated his view of Canada in a speech where he declared, â€Å"Canada has shown the world how to balance freedom with compassion and tradition with innovation, in your efforts to provide health care to all your citizens, to treat senior citizens with the dignity and respect they deserve...†(Canada Today 9). We were also rated first in the UN’s 1992 â€Å"Human Development Index† (9).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As I have already stated Canada is very well known for our many peacekeeping efforts. This is due to the many places our peacekeepers have been, or are at this very moment, such as Bosnia, East Timor and even Central Africa. These are just a very small portion of the places our peacekeepers are presently stationed. I am not even mentioning the dozens and dozens of other places they have been to. Our peacekeepers have helped save countless lives and Canada has gained relatively little in return, but Canada does it anyways, because it is the right thing to do.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Aside from our activities outside the country, we are also one of the best countries to live in. We have one of the top 5 life expectancies for both men and women. We also have the longest expected education according to the UN’s stats. These are just a few reasons why Canada is the greatest country.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Not only do we have a lot to offer Canadian citizens, here is a list of reasons to immigrate to Canada provided by KAM International: